Ao labirinto -
O mesmo
Onde cobras rastejam
E nos céus, obras do criador
entre obras da criatura, dividem-se,
Pela estrada,
Homens de seriedade risível
E de sérios sorrisos -
Um labirinto de surpresas
Pouco ou nada previsíveis
Há quem contemple
Quem enfrente
E quem contente-se,
E contemplando morra
Entre os próprios dentes
No vácuo da loucura
na disputa d'um lugar
Que nem mesmo é nosso
E as mãos,
em paredes inexistentes
que caminhos não mentem
E na velocidade
Sem freios
Chega-se à beira do abismo,
Caindo (ou não)
E surpreende-se
Percebendo que pode voltar
(No tempo?)
Preferindo abraçar seu caminho
Cuja alma escolheu
Diante do breu
Quem ajeita tua gravata
Também pode te enforcar,
E mesmo assim acreditas
No hálito da boca e no perfume,
Mas a alma não tem cheiro...
Caros óculos
Que de tão escuros cegam,
Escondendo a falta de coragem
Para encarar o sol de frente
Insegura segurança
Onde escolhas podem
E não devem,
Ou devem e não podem
Alguns não sabem das suas paisagens
Pois o som da boate toca mais alto
Que a própria consciência
E teu guarda-costas
Mal pode se distrair,
Pois as lutas seguem,
silenciosas e sangrentas
De velado desespero
Segue a busca de um Deus
Ou d'alguém que o represente
Mas só se vê o caminho à frente
E o labirinto....
Seja crente!
Mas não se sabe
Se detonado já foi o paraíso
Ou simplesmente invadido
Por gente sem juízo
Então tudo se esvai
Ficando pelo caminho os registros
E há quem se engane
Mas ninguém se esconde
Do céu aberto d'um labirinto
Ao longe avistará o protetor,
O cobertor...
E onde há lágrimas
Talvez música,
E risos e descobertas
Mas só talvez...
Pois supomos tudo d'um olhar
De proteção a despedidas,
De burburinhos a vazios salões
E às vezes,
Mas apenas às vezes,
Temos que sentir a música triste,
E chorar com ela,
Chorar por ela...
Querer voltar,
Tentar caminhos,
de trás pra frente,
Para que a dor se desfaça,
Voltando e desafinando,
E tudo se refaça,
Foi tudo um sonho!
(Taciana Valença)
Condemn you
Or ...
Come up,
The maze -
the same
Where snakes crawl
And in heaven, the creator works
between creature works, fall,
The driving
Men laughable seriousness
And smiles serious -
A maze of surprises
Little or nothing predictable
Some contemplate
About face
And who is happy,
And contemplating die
Among their own teeth
In the vacuum of madness
the dispute d'a place
That is not even our
And the hands,
nonexistent in walls
paths that do not lie
And speed
No brakes
Reach the edge of the abyss,
Falling (or not)
And is surprised
Realizing that can return
(In the time?)
Preferring to embrace your way
Whose soul chose
Before the pitch
Who arranges your tie
You can also hang you,
And yet believe
In the breath of his mouth and perfume,
But the soul does not smell ...
Dear glasses
What's so dark blind,
Hiding the lack of courage
To face the sun forward
insecure security
Where choices can
And they should not,
Or should and can not
Some do not know of its landscapes
Because the sound of the club touches highest
That consciousness itself
And your bodyguard
He can not be distracted,
For the fights follow,
silent and bloody
Of veiled despair
Follows the search for God
Or d'someone to represent
But only see the road ahead
And the maze ....
Be believer!
But it is not known
If walkthrough was already heaven
Or simply invaded
For people without judgment
Then everything is gone
Fallen by the wayside records
And some mistake
But no one hides
Open sky d'a maze
The distance will sight shield,
The blanket ...
And where there are tears
Maybe music,
And laughs and discoveries
But just maybe ...
For all assume d'a look
Protection to farewells,
Rumbles of the empty rooms
And sometimes,
But only sometimes
We have to feel sad song,
And cry with her,
Weep for her ...
Want to return,
Try paths,
For the pain to come apart,
Going back and out of tune,
And everything redo,
It was all a dream!
(Taciana Valença)
Condemn you
Or ...
Come up,
The maze -
the same
Where snakes crawl
And in heaven, the creator works
between creature works, fall,
The driving
Men laughable seriousness
And smiles serious -
A maze of surprises
Little or nothing predictable
Some contemplate
About face
And who is happy,
And contemplating die
Among their own teeth
In the vacuum of madness
the dispute d'a place
That is not even our
And the hands,
nonexistent in walls
paths that do not lie
And speed
No brakes
Reach the edge of the abyss,
Falling (or not)
And is surprised
Realizing that can return
(In the time?)
Preferring to embrace your way
Whose soul chose
Before the pitch
Who arranges your tie
You can also hang you,
And yet believe
In the breath of his mouth and perfume,
But the soul does not smell ...
Dear glasses
What's so dark blind,
Hiding the lack of courage
To face the sun forward
insecure security
Where choices can
And they should not,
Or should and can not
Some do not know of its landscapes
Because the sound of the club touches highest
That consciousness itself
And your bodyguard
He can not be distracted,
For the fights follow,
silent and bloody
Of veiled despair
Follows the search for God
Or d'someone to represent
But only see the road ahead
And the maze ....
Be believer!
But it is not known
If walkthrough was already heaven
Or simply invaded
For people without judgment
Then everything is gone
Fallen by the wayside records
And some mistake
But no one hides
Open sky d'a maze
The distance will sight shield,
The blanket ...
And where there are tears
Maybe music,
And laughs and discoveries
But just maybe ...
For all assume d'a look
Protection to farewells,
Rumbles of the empty rooms
And sometimes,
But only sometimes
We have to feel sad song,
And cry with her,
Weep for her ...
Want to return,
Try paths,
For the pain to come apart,
Going back and out of tune,
And everything redo,
It was all a dream!
(Taciana Valença)
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