Durante o caminho existem curvas, atalhos, rios sem pontes, sem barcos...Bichos que mordem e outros que fazem a vida mais bela. Há os que apenas assustam, mas nos acostumamos com eles e na verdade aprendemos a nem mais percebê-los. Durante o caminho nossa mala diminui, vira uma mochila com o básico, pois o essencial carregamos em nós. Com o tempo, quem nos trata bem pelo tamanho da nossa mala, sumirá das nossas vidas. E que bom! Esses realmente são dispensáveis. No final restará apenas quem somos, a descoberta de nós mesmos, e nesse momento, os que permanecerem ao nosso lado serão apenas os que realmente valeram a pena ter conhecido nessa longa jornada, que tenho certeza, não termina aqui. Certamente estaremos juntos em outros caminhos, talvez mais longos ou, quem sabe, muito menos. Vamos seguindo, há muito a vencer.
(Taciana Valença)
Along the way there are curves, shortcuts, rivers without bridges, without boats ... Animals that bite and others who make life more beautiful. There are those who just scared, but got used to them and actually learn to see them no more. Along the way our suitcase decreases, becomes a backpack with the basics, as the essential carry in us. Over time, those who treat us well by the size of our suitcase, will disappear from our lives. And good! These really are not necessary. At the end there will be only who we are, the discovery of ourselves, and then, those who stand beside us will be only those who really paid off have known this long journey, I'm sure, does not end here. Certainly we will be together in other ways, maybe longer or perhaps much less. We follow, much to win.
(Taciana Valença)
Along the way there are curves, shortcuts, rivers without bridges, without boats ... Animals that bite and others who make life more beautiful. There are those who just scared, but got used to them and actually learn to see them no more. Along the way our suitcase decreases, becomes a backpack with the basics, as the essential carry in us. Over time, those who treat us well by the size of our suitcase, will disappear from our lives. And good! These really are not necessary. At the end there will be only who we are, the discovery of ourselves, and then, those who stand beside us will be only those who really paid off have known this long journey, I'm sure, does not end here. Certainly we will be together in other ways, maybe longer or perhaps much less. We follow, much to win.
(Taciana Valença)