Havia uma cicatriz em sua mão,
Com discretos olhos,
Percebi frio e distante,
Impassível semblante
Que não permite invasões...
Uma dose de whisky,
Corpo pesado jogado ao sofá,
E aquele olhar,
De quem esconde tanto,
A bebida quem sabe,
Apagando por um tempo
Até mesmo da cicatriz,
Quem sabe...?
Guarda fechada,
Eterno medo de ferir-se
Sob o elmo da coragem,
Habilidosas mãos,
Frágil coração...
E quantas cicatrizes seriam???
O que o faria assim,
D'uma assustadora fortaleza,
E escondida fragilidade?
Moveu-se então,
Parecendo advinhar pensamentos,
Como quem busca um colo,
Uma palavra,
Um sentido...
(Taciana Valença)
There was a scar on his hand,
With discrete eyes,
I noticed cold and distant,
impassive countenance
Which prevents invasions ...
A whiskey dose,
Heavy body thrown to the couch,
And that look,
Who hides both,
The drink maybe
Deleting for a while
Even scar,
Who knows ...?
Closed guard,
Eternal fear of injuring yourself
Under the helm of courage,
Skilled hands,
Fragile heart ...
And how many scars would be ???
What would thus
D'a daunting fortress,
And hidden weakness?
He then moved,
Looking guess thoughts,
Smiled ...
As anyone who seeks a lap,
A word,
A sense ...
(Taciana Valença)
There was a scar on his hand,
With discrete eyes,
I noticed cold and distant,
impassive countenance
Which prevents invasions ...
A whiskey dose,
Heavy body thrown to the couch,
And that look,
Who hides both,
The drink maybe
Deleting for a while
Even scar,
Who knows ...?
Closed guard,
Eternal fear of injuring yourself
Under the helm of courage,
Skilled hands,
Fragile heart ...
And how many scars would be ???
What would thus
D'a daunting fortress,
And hidden weakness?
He then moved,
Looking guess thoughts,
Smiled ...
As anyone who seeks a lap,
A word,
A sense ...
(Taciana Valença)
Sonhos, nos versos, paixão!